Electronic Store Management

I started working in the field of website management since 2019. Since then, I have managed several online stores.
Services I provide:

  • Managing an store and following up on the entire work.
  • Update the store with products after photographing them and writing their description.
  • Communicate with suppliers electronically to follow up on product availability.
  • Follow-up to respond to requests and communicate with customers.
  • Providing solutions for store success based on customer experience.
  • Managing all digital marketing channels, (website, social networks).
  • Follow up on communication and responses on social media.
  • Follow-up on a permanent, continuous and daily communication with the officials.
  • Continue to work on marketing the store and increase its sales.
  • Monitor numbers, visits and prepare reports.
  • Stores I manage :
  • SultaniPa
  • sultankoo
  • first-store
  • Through my simple experience in the field of management, I can summarize the most important points that a manager needs to manage a store

    He must be an organized person, who depends on the analysis of data and numbers in making decisions that will make this store successful and profit from it. He must have medium to high technical experience through which he can work two or several businesses if necessary and at the same time make sure that He performs it in an excellent way to solve problems in a correct scientific manner that guarantees him the continuation of his process in an orderly manner and in solid and steady steps, in which he stays away from improvisation in decisions that would ruin that trade that he has always sought for success.

    Flexibility: Whoever works in the field of electronic commerce must have the ability to deal with unexpected events, in addition to working for long hours in all seasons and conditions because the market may change in a rapid manner. now and then.

    Communication: He must have the ability to communicate effectively with team members and with customers as well to explain to them the goals and future plans. When you share those details with them, you can build loyalty and thus you can win team members and your customers.

    professionalism: This means that the manager must supervise the department and the team inside this department, talk to clients, meet designers, programmers, and others. When some surprises occur, he has the comprehensive background to solve the problem because of his prior dealings with all the specialties in his facility, and therefore he must be professional and professional in his decisions and the way he deals with it.

    Knowledge of technology: The e-commerce manager must possess high technical skill to be able to manage the department with the required efficiency, and these skills include dealing with some office programs, the most important of which are Excel, databases, financial analysis, design, and understanding how search engines and e-marketing work.